• Manx Cat Behavior explained

Manx Cat Personality Traits and Characteristics

The behavior of a Manx Cat should not be determined by its physical features. This cat has back legs that are longer than its front legs. Some breeds have long tails, others have short tails, and there are still others with no tails at all. Their personality traits include an affectionate nature, playfulness and the love for being at a higher level than everyone else. Their personality prefers a familiar environment and is not comfortable with being moved to a new home. This cat behavior makes it an easy companion to have in a home with children or other pets.

Manx Cat Personality Traits


The playful behavior of these cats is delightful to watch especially when playing with their fellow cats. The Manx cat personality is one that has it chasing anything that moves when it is in a playful mood. This cat will play gently with children, loves different cat toys, and can even be taught how to play fetch.

Manx Cats love to playJumper

A common Manx cat characteristics is perching itself on any high place. Its long and strong hind legs make it a good jumper. The cat personality seems to enjoy viewing things from a higher perspective. If you are unable to find your cat at eye level, try looking up, and you will be sure to find it sitting on the top of a bookshelf.


Growing attachment for a particular family member is one of the stronger Manx cat personality traits. Their behavior will have it following its beloved family member all around the house, and greet them warmly at the door when they come home. This cat loves being held or will make itself comfortable in your favorite spot in the house.


The Manx cat is very intelligent. This cat is not beyond playing practical jokes and learning new games. The playful cat personality combined with its intelligence makes it a fun and entertaining cat to have around. This cat is a great hunter, and they pass this behavior trait onto their kittens.


There is a protective side to the Manx cat personality. This cat will defend its owners and children from any danger. The Manx cat is extremely protective of its kittens and beloved owner. This personality characteristic also extends to its environment and its preference to a familiar environment. This cat takes the time to adjust to new environments.

Fall in Love with Manx Cat Personality Traits

The behavior of Manx cats is easy to adapt to and fall in love with. The protective yet playful personality of these cats makes it a great companion for either a household with children or for an individual living alone. This cat loves the company and can be very talkative too. She will easily carry on a conversation in a sweet voice. The fun-loving cat behavior will have her playing and running around the house with her kittens. This cat will keep the rodents away from your home, but it will be safer to keep her indoors.

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