• Cat Neutering and Cat Spaying

Cat Neutering and Cat Spaying: Behavior Changes and Why You Should Do It

By cat neutering or spaying your cat, you can make a difference for your pet and for your community. These simple procedures can prevent developmental and behavioral problems, and they also help control overpopulation.

What’s the difference between cat neutering and spaying?

Cat VeterinarianCat neutering is a surgical procedure to remove a male cat’s testicles, while cat spaying is the surgical removal of a female cat’s ovaries and uterus. Although these are routine procedures, only licensed veterinarians are authorized to perform them.

Your veterinarian will conduct a pre-operation exam and may draw a blood sample for analysis. Both spaying and cat neutering are performed under full general anesthesia. Your cat will be able to go home with you the same day of the procedure.

After surgery, your veterinarian will provide specific instructions on how to care for your pet during the recovery stage. Take a look at possible behavior changes after anesthesia. Most cats make a full recovery within a few days. Be sure to monitor the surgical site for signs of irritation. The skin usually heals within two weeks. Depending on the type of stiches your veterinarian uses, you may need to bring your cat to a follow-up appointment. Some stiches dissolve naturally on their own, while others require a veterinarian to remove them.

Why should I spay or neuter my pet?

Why should I spay or neuter my cat? Spaying and neutering prevent unwanted births, which in turn prevents local animal shelters from becoming overpopulated. Every year, millions of stray animals wind up on the streets or in animal shelters. The fortunate ones are adopted, but the majority of them suffer from trauma, disease, starvation, or exposure. You can make a difference by spaying or neutering your pet.

In addition to preventing overpopulation, spaying or neutering can also diminish certain sexual behaviors that can be bothersome. Neutered male cats do not tend to spray, roam, or compete with other cats. Female cats will no longer spray, go into heat, and they will exhibit much calmer behavior as well. Many cats that aren’t spayed or neutered are sent to animal shelters because of these easily preventable behavioral issues.

Will my cat gain weight after the procedure?

Some cats may initially lose weight after being spayed or neutered, as the procedure reduces the compulsion to roam. However, you can easily reduce or prevent weight gain by monitoring your cat’s activity levels and providing a balanced diet.

When is the best time to spay or neuter my cat?

Cat spaying and neutering a cat are typically safe for cats that are at least eight weeks old. By altering your cat at an early age, you can prevent sexual behavioral issues before they even arise. The procedures can be performed on mature cats as well. Your veterinarian can recommend a specific timeline that works best for your cat.
There are many theories on behavioral changes after neutering a cat depending on who you are talking to. Keep in mind that there are no cat personality changes after neutering. A cat’s personality is based on genetics and environment while their behavior is based on hormones, namely testosterone for the males and estrogen for the females.

The behavior change after neutering a cat may vary from cat to cat because the organ that produces the hormones is removed during neutering. Have no fear that the removal of these hormones will cause cat personality changes after cat neutering. Your cat will still be affectionate, playful and active.

Specific Behavior Changes After Cat Neutering

Will my cat act differently?

Aside from the aforementioned behavioral changes, your cat’s personality will remain the same. Cat neutering will not affect your cat’s level of playfulness, excitement, or vocalization. Although there may be some behavior changes after neutering your cat.

Reduced Aggression

Reduced aggressionThere is a lot of competition between male cats that have not been neutered. This competition leads to fights which in turn lead to injuries that cut their skin and cause abscesses. There is a marked reduction in aggressive behavior after neutering. Your male cat will be less inclined to get into fights and more content to mind its own business.

Female cats that have not been neutered (also referred to as “spaying” for female cats) also show aggression to ward off other females who may be considered as competition. The behavior change in cats after neutering surgery, both in males and females may show as soon as they recover from the surgery. The males recover faster than the female cats.


An unneutered cat will instinctively wander out seeking to mate during the mating season and trying to keep them indoors is a futile effort. The males will wander a lot further than the females. Regardless of the distance covered while wandering in search of a mate, the cat will be in danger of getting killed, hurt or lost. Again, this wandering behavior changes after spaying. The females are content to stay home and the males are less interested in mating. Some male cat acting after neutering remains the same, and they will still go out wandering during the mating season.

Marking Territory

Marking Territory after neutering a catThe male cat marks its territory using urine. It will urinate on walls, chairs, or anything upright to let other cats know once they get into his space. Your unneutered male cat may be in the habit of spraying its strong smelling urine around your house. The reduction in the desire to mark its territory is a welcomed behavior change in cats after neutering surgery.

With the desire to mate taken away, there is no more marking territory after neutering. The female cats also urinate, but their aim is to alert any wandering male that they are available to mate. Your house will be odour-free as your cat’s behavior following neutering will cause them to keep their toilet business confined to their litter box, except in the case of an accident.

Expect Calmer Behaviors After Neutering Surgery

Remember, both male and female cats do not exhibit cat personality changes after neutering a cat. The personality of the cat will remain the same, but its behavior will change. Please do not neuter your cat in the hopes that its personality will change. The shift in their behavior after neutering a cat will leave you with a less aggressive, home-bound cat.

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