• Breaking Bad Cat Behavior Before it Gets Out of Hand

Breaking Bad Cat Behavior Before it Gets Out of Hand

Thanks to the innovative teachings of cat training expert Jonas Jurgella about bad cat behavior, many of us can now learn to live more comfortably with our furry feline companions. Forget having to spend hundreds of dollars on boarding our feline friends, Jurgella has developed a system for creating a more understanding environment that promotes harmony between pet and pet owner. Once a healthy relationship has been established, the stresses of annoying pet habits are virtually diminished.

Cat litter box problems and solutionsJust like humans, animals are programmed with their own uniqueness of personality. That means that they have feelings and emotions just like we do, as well as likes and dislikes. Breaking bad cat behavior can prove to be very difficult, and may take a tremendous amount of time and patience to produce positive results. Many pet owners will agree that the greatest obstacle to overcome is communication barriers between humans and felines. How exactly are you supposed to interpret what your cat is communicating to you? The following are some common examples that cat’s will exhibit to indicate that there is a problem.

Common Examples of Bad Cat Behavior

  • Destruction of household furniture (scratching)
  • Refusal to use designated litter box areas
  • Bad dining habits (mooching or searching for food in regular dining areas- kitchen, dinner table, kitchen sink, etc.)
  • Aggressive behavior and attitude towards the pet owner and family members

It is important to understand that the sooner you discover the bad cat behavior and act upon it, the more successful you will be in eliminating it. The Cat Language Bible, developed by Jonas Jurgella, simplifies behavior correction techniques so that you the pet owner, remain in control of the relationship. He covers topics that range from understanding your cat’s behavior at a psychological standpoint, to physical intervention techniques for breaking your pet’s unhealthy or destructive habits. The better you become at establishing a caring and trusting relationship for you and your cat, the better your chances for creating a stronger bond.

As simple as it seems, you need to be very careful not to confuse the training techniques for cats, with the training techniques employed for dogs. Cats are more laid back and sensitive in nature, and will not be forced into doing something against their will. They carry a nonchalant attitude and tend to shy away from aggressive behavior. On the other hand, dogs are eager to please and will obediently perform any action in return for gratification from its master.

Cats will only come to you if their needs are dependent upon you, for instance: if the food dish is empty, and it’s feeding time, your cat will seek your attention in order to get the dish filled with food so that it can eat. Perhaps it potties outside of the litter box because it’s trying to tell you that the litter needs to be changed.
Cats are pretty easy to maintain as long as you understand their nature and regular habits. In other words, they run a normal routine and anything outside of normality tends to become uncomfortable for them. Learning to become more of a friend rather than an owner is the first step in a healthier relationship.

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