20 Interesting Cat Facts – Part 3
Since my previous posts about interesting Cat Facts (Part 1 and Part 2) have been such a success I decided to gather some more interesting cat facts about our beloved feline friends.
Interesting Cat Facts – Part 3
- Cats are vibration sensitive and known to detect tremors and earthquakes before humans, by 10-15 minutes.
- The United States is home to a feral cat population of 60 million.
- A 30-year-old cat named Kitty, birthed a kitten litter of two and is the oldest on record to do so. She birthed 218 kittens during her lifetime.
- The front claws of the cat are sharper than the back claws.
- Food sweetness is undetectable to cats.
- Research shows, cat ownership reduces heart attack and stroke risk by one-third.
- If you want to listen to a cat meow, check out the recording on Wikipedia.
- Cats self-heal by purring. The purring frequency is at the same bone and muscle repair level.
- Cats only use meows for a cat to human communication.
- Cats recognize their human’s voice.
- The long-term memory of a cat is greater than a dog’s. Cats learn by doing instead of seeing, and their brains store more than a thousand times the data of an iPad.
- The social skills of a cat are lower than a dog, but cats can solve difficult problems and dogs can’t.
- The eyesight of a cat is both worse and better than ours. Cats can’t distinguish color like humans can and are color blind; for example, the green grass looks red to a cat.
- Cats see better than humans in dim light, and their peripheral vision is better than humans.
- Cats sleep a lot, with over half of their day spent this way, which equates to a cat at age nine having a three year waking life. The average hours spent sleeping each day is sixteen.
- If your cat leaves uncovered poop, it shows an aggressive stance, saying they aren’t afraid of you.
- Cats manipulate their humans by changing the tone of meows. By using imitation of a baby, they ask for food.
- Women perceive male cat owners as sensitive, making male cat owners luckier at love.
- Bringing home their kills, is an offering to their human, but it can also mean your cat thinks you’re a terrible hunter.
- Researchers believe domesticated cats have a long memory; never forgiving. Other animals seem to forgive and forget while cats show no reconciliation signs.