20 Interesting Cat Facts – Part 2
Our feline friends are such interesting animals – it’s time for another random Cat Facts post on my blog. If you missed it, here is Cat Facts – Part 1.
20 Awesome and Random Cat Facts
- Hair tufts on the ears help direct sounds while filtering out dirt and insulating the ears. The name for these hair tufts is ear furnishings.
- Psi-traveling is the name for a cat’s home finding radar. Researchers believe they use sunlight angle or magnetized brain cells, like a compass for finding their way home.
- Cats meow to humans only and not to other cats. When confronted with another cat, they hiss, growl or spit.
- Cats, like humans, are right and left handed, preferring one paw to another. Male cats prefer the left paw while females prefer the right. With humans, 90% prefer the right hand while the other 10% prefer the left and are males.
- Kittens have a rapid growth rate and sleep a lot because the hormone for growth is released while sleeping.
- The hair count for each square inch of a cat’s body is 130,000.
- 5° F to 102.5° F is the normal cat body temperature. When ill, the temperature either drops below 100° F or rises over 103° F.
- A cat’s body has 230 bones while the bones in a human body are.
- Cats don’t have collarbones, so it’s easy to put their heads through different size openings.
- There are 32 muscles used for controlling the outer ear; humans control the ear with six. These muscles help the ears move independently of each other.
- Like human fingerprints, the nose of a cat has unique, patterned ridges.
- Cats tolerate hot temperatures of 133° F, with a good supply of water.
- There are seven foods you should never give cats: Grapes, Raisins, Green Tomatoes, Chocolate, Garlic, Onions, Raw Potatoes
- In a Gallup poll in 2007, both women and men are likely cat owners.
- Heartbeat in a cat is two times faster than a human’s, beating at 110-140 beats per minute.
- One cat pair plus offspring can produce 420,000 kittens in seven years. Another reason for spaying or neutering.
- Cats like grooming and spend a third of the time they are awake, cleaning. They use their tongue for cleaning their fur and removing the human scent.
- An adult cat has 30 permanent teeth, while kittens have 26 baby teeth, which the adult teeth replace at six months of age.
- The paws of a cat are multi-purpose tools, acting as sensors and temperature controls, grooming tools, and hunting weapons.
- Cats sweat through the paws since they lack sweat glands on the body, like humans.